Tuesday, January 22, 2013

God, is that you?

For those that feel a bit of "apprehension" in reading this post because of the title I have chosen, please keep reading. If you feel inclined to agree/disagree ... please share. :)

Last Sunday night was a magical night in many ways. I worked all day, but in the back of my mind knew that come 6:30pm, I would be on my way to the hippest most delicious mexican food joint in town, for M's very belated holiday party. (Might I add, that it was open bar...now you see my excitement?). For mostly being an introvert by nature, I was unusually excited to get there and unwind. I also figured this would be a great time to work on my resolution of "getting out more/meeting new people." I met tons of great folks, played some silly adult card games, and drank too much. Impressed? That is just the tip of the iceberg. That night, i found "god."

I was mindlessly (dangerous, I know) zipping down 80 west towards The Red Iguana, when out of nowhere in the Salt Lake City sky above me, I saw my very own meteor. It was the most magical experience, like nothing I have ever seen before. A fiery, glowing red, tennis ball shooting through the sky...it lasted at least five seconds. I sat in awe for a moment, i may have had a case of the gooseybumps, and I definitely felt my heart beat heavy in my chest. Quickly, I looked around at the other cars as if to see if anyone else was sharing in this special moment. Nothing. Just busy little cars zooming on their way.

I grew up in a Catholic family, but once I was old enough to start "questioning" i began to take interest in all forms of religion. Mormonism, born again christian, buddhism etc. I even took classes in college on "religions of the world." I was always left hanging with too many questions of how, and why. How are we all the same, and yet we allow our beliefs to divide us? It was so obvious to me right off the bat, that almost all religions were very similar in their goals/morals/practices/rules and their ideals on "faith." One thing that stood out to me the most, was this one major difference : All was claimed under a different "god." Each sect would do whatever it took to abide by this "god" regardless of the very apparent similiarities. This never made sense to me ...

Anyway, that night was a night filled with tiny moments that make you feel "god" whoever (if) he/she may be. It is moments like these that affirm for me, that there is something more to life...that there is something greater than the wordly life we live...

I prefer to think of god in terms of tiny moments ... in everything (animals, nature, emotions, people, art, an open bar at a mexican restaurant etc). I know that we ALL experience these tiny moments. Whether we decide to attach something greater to them or not, the beauty is just that we experience...the same or differently, but together.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Snow, Spotify, and resolutions. Who needs resolutions?

Okay, so i have never been a huge sucker for making New Years resolutions. Primarily because like so many others, i tend to create long lists of daunting and overwhelming "MUST changes" that realistically, I almost never even skim the surface on improving. Sound framiliar? :-)

There is something different about 2013, and I felt extremely compelled (for the first time ever) to put together a new years resolutions list. I wonder if it has something to do with living in a new state... you know, new job, new state, clean slate? (I rhymed). It feels appropriate in timing. Oh, I am also convinced that the snow has something to do with it. Though SLC has been rated to have "the worst air quality" in the country during the winter months, the snow just makes everything feel good. Refreshed! Bright! New? I blame it on the snow gods who decide to so perfectly decorate the valley and the surrounding mountains with white fluffy goodness for encouraging this impromptu resloution list. Oh, and spotify. Have y'all downloaded spotify? I guess im a little late to the game, as i am always noticing friends on FB connecting to and sharing all of their personal musical selections. I had to see what the hype was about, and I am now in love. Sure, you still battle with the commercials ... but you can instantly create ANY playlist with ANY music (new, old, etc) and for FREE! It has only been three days, and I already have a "run/workout" playlist ... (resolutions,people!), a "Good Shit" playlist, a "massage music" playlist, and a "rocking while blogging" playlist. Seriously, there is nothing more thought invoking, and blog inspiring than snow and good tunes. Si? Okay .. enough blabber. Onto the list.

My 2013 Must Changes. ha.

1. Meditate more -- 10
2. Make an effort to branch out and meet new people/make friends -- 5
3. Develop a self-care routine : * eat, *sleep,*workout -- 10
4. Keep in better touch with family, more phone dates. -- 10
5. Spend less time cleaning -- 6
6. KEEP A BLOG. -- 5
7. Career change/advancement? --8
8. Listen more intently when others are talking--7
9. Read more books--6
10. less time on FB (the soul-sucking, life waster)--6
11. Visit a dentist/lady doctor--10
12. Make more of a feminine effort ... maybe buy a curling iron? shop more?--5
13. Visit Home ... cali, cali where the sunshine shines. mmmm. -- 8
14. See more live music/dance my ass off with my boo--10
15. Do a better job at re-creating our "savings." -- 8

Incase it isn't already known... the numbers next to each resolution are ratings on "level of importance." I figured this way, I give myself a bit of leniency, in not making EVERY single resolution mandatory. It also sheds some light on how much effort i should put into obtaining each goal.
Considering I have already created a book list (and finished one of them on it) #9, purchased a treadmill (and have used it quite frequently) # 3, Have been keeping my eyes open for new massage opportunities as well as updated my resume #7, have planned a trip home in August #13, Have my first hair appointment in over two years today #12, and just finished my first blog post of 2013 #6, I'd say for a beginner... Im on the right track. :)

More later on all of this business ... I hope you have come up with your resolutions and if you haven't, well, good for you too. :)

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

ahhh, summer mornings. :)

Nothing quite beats the feelings of the first transitions into the summer months. This will be our first summer in Salt Lake City, and considering it is only April and feeling like June, it will probably be a long lasting one.

I woke up this morning to the birds chirping, windows wide open, allowing the morning summer smells to fill the house. The morning summer smells are much much different from... say, winter morning smells...or fall morning smells. In the summer, it smells of clean dry air, warming of pavement, and a mix of grass and suntan lotions.

The first thing i do when i roll out of bed, is open the blinds on every window allowing the sun sun sunshine to shine shine shine in on us. I sit with my summer morning coffee, and watch the birdies come for breakfast on the bird feeder i setup in our backyard. So far just the sightings of little guys, finches and warblers. Occasionally I spot a California Quail, or a black-billed magpie.

I have decided to focus on setting an intention for each day. Something of positivity (of course)-- which will keep me in the right frame of mind for the day. My intention for today will be gratitude.

I am grateful for this beautiful summer morning.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Scoot Scoot!

I experienced a new "freeing" sensation today. Though, I am ashamed to admit that this wonderful feeling came as a result of opting NOT to wear a helmet while riding on a motor powered vehicle.

I know, accidents happen ALL the time and as a grown adult I have the common sense to know that a helmet is an absolute must. Especially after attending a "seatbelt" awareness class a few years back which consisted of scaring the group into saftey first ALWAYS by sharing gruesome videos/pictures of accidents etc. I believe the tapes were called "Red Asphault." Need i say more?
Anywho, the sun was out... the city was clear, big puffy white clouds everywhere, the mountains standing so bold and beautiful towering over Salt Lake City. Just me and my love, two sets of sunglasses, and NO helmet.

I imagine riding a motorcycle/scooter is as close as a human being would get to experiencing flight. Riding as the passenger, I would periodically close my eyes and just feel. My hair blowing in the wind, sunshine on my legs, and the low revving sound of the little engine as we scooted around town.

During previous scooter adventures, I always sported a helmet. Big and bulky, silver like the scooter. Sure, it serves a VERY important purpose, and im not saying i will be helmetless all of the time, but i just can't get over the wonders of riding without it.